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2 Resultados de traducción para stain en español

verb | noun

stain verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stained, has stained, is staining, stains
manchar; (figurado) manchar; teñir (madera, etc.); empañar
word of the day image
He stained his shirt.

Ejemplos de uso de
stain verb

  • The red wine stained the carpet.
  • He stained the wood a dark cherry color.
  • The accusations stained his reputation.

Sinónimos de
stain verb

stain noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
mancha; tinte, tintura; mácula

Ejemplos de uso de
stain noun

  • There's a juice stain on the floor.
  • She has a stain on her shirt.
  • Will those grass stains wash out?

Sinónimos de
stain noun

Sinónimos detallados para stain noun

Ver: Stigma
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Traducción inversa para stain

manchar  - to stain, to soil, to sully, to tarnish 
manchar  (figurado)
teñir  (madera, etc.) - to dye, to stain 
empañar  - to bread 
mancha  - stain, spot, mark, blemish, blot, patch 
tinte  - dye, coloring, overtone 
tintura  - dye, tint, tincture 
mácula  - blemish, stain